
Below on the map, you can find some interested area's in Oceania to visit and watching nature and wildlife. Behind each square you can find pictures/information of these area's.
Below the maps is the area, where you can find list's and images of the flora and fauna i have seen in this region. Use this list to get more information/images.
When there are question's, please give me contact me; perhaps i can help you.

Oceania Report

I visited Oceania im 2015. I'am now starting to build op the list off the species i have fotographed; that will take some time; but there are images available


The list give's a nice idea of the things I h've photo- graphed.
So explore the list, to see nice picture's of different familie-goups; there are also detailed list available of the different species.

When you want to have more information about these regio; see my Travelpage's for more information

Here, I will give a summery of the highlights


Highlights are:

Polynesian Storm-petrel, New Caledonian Cuckoo-shrike, Morepork, Tui


Highlights are:

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Chuuk Flying Fox


Highlights are:

Wide-brand Grass-dart, Solomon Island Birdwing, Blue Tiger, Philippine Hedge Blue


Highlights are:

Yellow-wing Flyingfish, Blackfin Squirrelfish, Dusky Batfish


Highlights are:

Golden Tree Fern, Spathoglottis pacifica, Xanthostemon aurantiacus


Highlights are:

Painted Grasshawk, Black Emo Skink, Dussumier's Fiddler Crab